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How to Get on the Preferred Vendor List as a Photo Booth Business​

How to Get on the Preferred Vendor List as a Photo Booth Business​

If you’re a photo booth rental business owner, you know that building strong relationships with venues is essential for your success. 

Being on a venue’s preferred vendor list can bring you more business opportunities and exposure, but it’s not an easy feat. 

In this article, we’ll share some tips from an industry expert on how to build and maintain strong relationships with venues that will increase your chances of getting on the preferred vendor list.

The Importance of Building Relationships with Venues

Before we dive into the specifics of building relationships with venues, let’s discuss why this is important. By building strong relationships with venues, you can:

Gain exposure: When you work with a venue, you have the opportunity to showcase your work to a larger audience.
Establish your brand: Being listed as a preferred vendor can help establish your brand and build your credibility.

Get more business: Venues can refer you to potential clients who are looking for a photo booth rental.

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of building relationships with venues, let’s dive into how you can do so effectively.

How to Build Strong Relationships with Venues

The process of building a relationship can start with something as simple as a breakfast meeting where you get to know each other and discuss what you can do for each other. 

It is a give-and-take relationship, and the goal is to establish a genuine connection that will benefit both parties.

Be genuine
When reaching out to venues, it’s important to be genuine. Don’t just try to establish a relationship because you want to get more business. 

The relationship must come first before the sales pitch. Take the time to get to know the venue’s team, and show a genuine interest in their business.

Focus on building trust
Trust is the foundation of any good relationship. When working with venues, focus on building trust by delivering high-quality services, being reliable and responsive, and following through on your commitments. You can also reinforce this through your past clients’ feedback.

Offer something of value
To establish a strong relationship with a venue, it’s important to offer something of value. This could be a discount on your services, a referral fee, or even just a small gift to show your appreciation.

Reminder: When it comes to giving gifts or payment, there are ethical considerations to keep in mind. Giving a percentage of every booking or gift card can be seen as a conflict of interest. 

It is recommended to be upfront about company policy and avoid anything that could jeopardize the relationship you built or the employment status of your contact in the venue.

Be patient
Building relationships takes time, so it’s important to be patient. Don’t expect to establish a strong relationship with a venue overnight.

How to Get on the Preferred Vendor List as a Photo Booth Business​

Dos and don’ts when meeting potential clients


Establishing relationships is crucial in any industry, and the photo booth industry is no exception. Here are some dos and don’ts to consider when meeting potential partners:



  • Try to schedule a lunch or a site visit so that they can see your work in person.
  • Be willing to meet with anyone, even if you don’t know them personally.
  • Treat every meeting like a job interview, and make sure to be punctual and professional.
  • Focus on building a strong relationship with a few key clients first.


  • Don’t ask to be on someone’s preferred vendor list if you have not worked with them before. Let them see what you can do first.
  • Don’t be too blunt or salesy when you meet with someone. It can come off as lazy and unprofessional.
  • Don’t cancel appointments or waste someone’s time. Time is of the essence in the sales world, and you want to make sure that you are respecting their time.
Photo Booth Business

Getting on the preferred vendor list of a venue can be a game-changer for photo booth rental business owners. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting on that list and open up more business opportunities for your photo booth business.  

Keep building your reputation, providing excellent service, and staying in touch with the venue. Eventually, your efforts will pay off.

Enjoyed this article? Listen to a full podcast episode where Taylor Martin shares tips to develop vendor relationships on Super Boothers – The Photo Booth Podcast. You may check out over 200 episodes of Super Boothers for free on SpotifyApple Podcasts, and Stitcher.


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