Write for Us

Thanks for your interest in writing for the Booth Report! We’re always looking for new and interesting articles about the photo booth industry.

Why submit an article?

  • Exposure – your content would be sent out in an email blast to thousands of photo boothers around the world
  • SEO – a backlink from our website would add some valuable SEO juice to your site
  • Helping other boothers – if you have helpful knowledge you can share with other boothers, you can have a significant impact on their journey


Please read this guide before submitting an article. It includes an overview of our topic areas, what types of articles we’re looking for, and how to submit an articl

What We’re Looking For

We focus primarily on the business side and create content on strategy, marketing, best business practices, etc. The areas we’d love help in are more technical areas like SEO, in-depth equipment reviews, tutorials, etc

Submitting the Article

Once you’re ready to submit a draft, you can submit it in a Google Docs link (make sure that we can open it!) at theboothreport@gmail.com. You may also email us to make sure we don’t miss it!


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